今日のCNNのPiers Morgan Showでおばあちゃんから教わったことが彼の生きる指標になったことを言っています。
See, a lot of times, when you’re dealing with the downtrodden, and you’re dealing with, you know, the underbelly, the urban community, you’re dealing with people who have giving up hope. So you know …
When you talk to people in that position, what do you say to them to inspire them?
Look at me.
But how did you get there, do you think? When you look back, what was it about you that allowed you to get out of that trap?
Well, there was this woman. Her name was Ellen Griffith. That was my grandmother and you know, may she rest in peace and she always told me, “Todd, if a task is once begun, never leave it till it’s done, be thy labor great or small, do it well or not al all.” And that is an education that I was lucky enough to get at home. I wasn’t taught that in school. When I walked into school, I had a math teacher that used to call us ‘Dummies’ and punched us in the back and sent us in the classroom. ‘Dummy! boom!’ That was his idea of a joke. In the meantime, he’s developing all these math phobes.
What if you don’t have anybody like your grandmother because I’ve heard this before; Will I. Am sat where you are now and told me a similar story about his mother. And I see where you have this undivided love of a parent – it doesn’t have to be both parents, only one parent that just believes in you – it’s 10 times easier than if you have nobody.
じゃあもしあなたにいたようなおばあちゃんがいなかったらどうするんだい?というのもさ、前に will i amが今あなたがいるところに座って彼のお母さんに関して似たような話をしてくれたんだ。あなたは親からの愛を独り占めできたんだ。ふた親からでなくても、あなたを信じてくれるひとりの親からの愛、それは誰もいないより10倍いいよ。
What do you do if you have no one?
You have to look at all the people in the world that are successful and you have to synthesize all of those positions, those people, those goals they achieved, the things they did, the heroic moments, you have to take your greatest Michael Jordan moment, your greatest, you know, whoever you name moment. Put them all together and say, “you know I’m gonna go for it.
Santa Barbaraとあまり聞き慣れない方も多いのではないかと思います。私もアメリカ行きが決定してから毎日のようにGoogle Mapでいろんな場所を探していました。そんな中、絶対行きたいと一目惚れした場所がここSanta Barbaraでした♡なんと言っても、このビーチ♪Santa Barbaraに到着して、すぐに向かったのは鮮やかなスカイブルーの海と空が壮大に広がるビーチでした。
今回の旅は、一人旅ではありましたが、エスタミネーのみんな、家族や友人、現地の方々、他国からの観光客、たくさんの人に助けて支えてもらった旅でもありました。そして、さらに英語が好きになりました♪Thank you very much for all and see you next time, the USA♡