Photo from : iPad News Daily
After today’s
unveiling of The Daily at a press event at the Guggenheim museum in New York City, we were handed iPads loaded with the news app. I shot the video above with my iPhone to give a quick sense of what it looks like and the navigation.
ニューヨーク市のグッゲンハイム美術館での記者会見でのThe Daily公開後、我々はニュースアプリが装備されたiPadを渡された。自分のiPhoneでビデオを撮りどんなものか、そしてどう操作するかというのを見てもらえると思う。
It looks like a magazine more than a newspaper, with lush photography and the occasional interactive graphic or video in place of a photo. The first thing I noticed is that there are no links in any of the stories, although you can share stories via Facebook, Twitter, or email. But that is about the extent of the social features in the app. As I expected, it is does not (yet) offer any social reading features like Flipboard or the
yet-to-launch News.me
yet-to-launch News.meなどの社会的な読み物がない。
To find your way around, there is atable of content, but that only lists the top ten stories. You can flip through chronologically or navigate by section (news, Gossip, Opinion, Arts & Life, Apps & Games, or Sports). When you are in a story, you can tap to expose a timeline with thumbnail images of each page up top. Finally, there is a carousel view that lets you go through the issue like you can with album covers in iTunes. It would be helpful if there were a content page that simply listed all the headlines in that issue with links.
読みたいものを探すのに十分な内容はあるが、トップ10のストーリーしか載せていない。時系列的にフリップしたり、スクリーンごとに項目を見る事ができる(news, Gossip, Opinion, Arts & Life, Apps & Games, or Sportsなど)。記事を読んでいる時にtapしてトップに時系列的にサムネイルをつけることができる。そしてiTunesのアルバムカバーの閲覧のようページをめくることができる。リンク付きのヘッドラインだけをリストアップした目次ページがあればもっといいのだが。
The ads take up their own pages, just like in a magazine. I noticed that the ads take a lot longer to load than the news pages. That could be a problem if it is not fixed in terms of pleasing advertisers.
You can save stories for later reading, but apparently the app is loaded with new stories every day. So unless you read or save the stories you are interested in, for now you are out of luck. On stage, News corp indicated they are working on this issue.
後で読むために記事をsaveできるが、アプリは毎日新しい記事を提供している。だから興味のある記事を読むか、saveしないと今現在の時点では残念なことになる。(新着情報が来ると古いものは消えるということ)News corpは現在この問題に取り組んでいるところだということだ。