


海の向こうのアメリカではコロナがなかなか収まらず大変ですが、そんな中大統領選の動きが活発化しています。何とかトランプ大統領の悪政を正常に戻そうと民主党が一致団結し今日Joe Biden 氏が正式に民主党の代表に任命されました。前民主党の大統領Obama氏のファーストレディのMichelle Obama氏はその人柄から世界的に大変ポピュラーでしたが、当時の副大統領の妻Jill Biden 氏のことはあまり語られることはありませんでした。




We found that love holds a family together. Love makes us flexible and resilient. It allows us to become more than ourselves, together. And though it can’t protect us from the sorrows of life, it gives us refuge, a home. How do you make a broken family whole? The same way you make a nation whole, with love and understanding, and with small acts of kindness, with bravery, with unwavering faith. You show up for each other in big ways and small ones, again and again. It’s what so many of you are doing right now for your loved ones, for complete strangers, for your communities.




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Category Miwako's EYE





人生のひとつのフェーズから次のフェーズへと移る過渡期(transition) が以前にも増して増えており、その過渡期を乗り切るスキルを早急にマスターすることが我々みんなにとって必要だとファイラーは言っています。仕事がひとつだけ、恋愛相手もひとりだけ、幸せの根源がひとつだけというのはもう救いようがないほどに時代遅れ。

Life Is in the Transitions に書かれていることは、「人生の途はまっすぐではなく、様々な出来事がその進行の邪魔をする。そのうち10個のうちのひとつはファイラーが言う「ライフクエイクー人生震(地震のことを英語ではearthquake アースクエイクー地面が揺れる、という)」となる。人生が大きく揺れる、つまり、今の人生から次の人生へと移らざるを得ない大変革的なことが起こる。この過渡期というのは平均して5年に1度ぐらい起きる。結果、我々は人生の半分をこの落ち着かない状態(過渡期ーtransition)で過ごすことになる。あなた、もしくはあなたの知り合いの誰かが今過渡期にいるだろう。」




Category Miwako's EYE



ある読解のクラスで出てきたこの言葉 ‘captainitis’。辞書にも載っていませんが、あえて訳すると「キャプテン病」、もしくは「キャップテン炎」。

-itis というのは接尾語で「炎」を意味し、通常は臓器などにおける炎症を表します。例えば、dermatitis は皮膚炎、gingivitis は歯肉炎、hepatitis は肝炎と言うように。

この読解はイギリスやオーストラリア留学に必要なIELTSテストのリーディングセクションの “The Psychology of Innovation” に出てきたものですが、

“The wrong kind of leadership will lead to what Cialdini calls ‘captainitis, the regrettable tendency of team members to opt out of team responsibilities that are properly theirs.’…”


He calls it captainitis because, he says, ‘crew members of multipilot aircraft exhibit a sometimes deadly passivity when a flight captain makes a clearly wrong-headed decision.’








Category Miwako's EYE
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When was the most beautiful moment this week?
When I listened to ‘Hey Mr. Natzi’
Hey Mr. Nazi
Hey Mr. Nazi
I have to have a word with you, please listen to me
Look at me, what do you see in me?
Just a small foreigner, who smells like an animal?
A dumb chink, a fucking rice muncher
Who you immediately cremate in the best case
Please tell me, ’cause I want to know what you think
Because it is my will, that you realize the right thing now
‘Cause I don’t smell at all, I take a shower every day
Man, would I smell, I would get the brush-off from the gals
And no, I don’t only want to eat rice
Sometimes I also want to put a sausage in a mustard jar
And then devour it appreciatively, you wouldn’t have guessed that
See, now I have brought some light in your world
I don’t attack you, I reach the hand to you
Please listen to my words, soak them up like a sponge
‘Cause it is easy to say, Nazis out
But every man can change, I think Nazis too
And I say
Hey Mr. Nazi come to my party
I introduce my friends to you
This here are Juspé and Kati, Thorsten and Fatih
We have the same humor
And we say Hey Mr. Nazi come to my party I show you my culture
This here are sushi and technology; Mangas and Origami
I know that since my birth
Do you know the feeling, when a person hurts you
‘Cause a person leaves you even though you fight until last
Or the feeling when something good happens and for a little while you lose all the worries about the future
Or when you are in love, I don’t even have to say it myself
The feeling as if you could hug the whole world
I know you know it too, we aren’t entirely different
But you kick the man and let him lay there
And the worst of it all, he was father of a family and now
At his home a giant drama prevails
The daughter doesn’t understand it and so she asks herself every day:
“Mommy, but tell me why isn’t daddy there anymore?”
“He promised that he would buy me new arm floats and that we would have a picnic by the windmills.”
Eventually she will understand what all of this means, but now she just stands there and sees the mom cry
It isn’t easy to grapple with loneliness
Every man wants to have like-minded people around him
And before you know you are in a circle of friends, in which you point with the finger on people with different skin colors
And that can happen quickly, that is no lie
The most people have racist traits somewhere
I see racist teachers and racist captains and
racist Germans and racist foreigners
And back in the day I was a little bit of a racist, and something like that comes from me, do you see
Now how easy that is?
Yes I know, you always hear me say Jap to and fro, but essentially I don’t give a damn
I’m just a nice guy
And now I give these words my power and so I give up all my prejudices
You say I see that way too extreme with the prejudices, but exactly those are the source for war and hate
And we say
Category Miwako's EYE
Waffle making per special request from one of our young “patissiers”. I was so impressed by their team work and skill! The waffles were really delicious. Opa would have been proud! Already dreaming of our next baking project!! Thank you for a fun afternoon!
楽しい午後をありがとう〜!!IMG_2257 IMG_2269 IMG_2273 IMG_2277 IMG_2280
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