
Today is Alibaba’s founder Jack Ma’s birthday. He gave some messages to young leaders at Davos World Economic Forum a while .

今日はアリババの 創業者ジャック・マーの誕生日です(ちなみに私も乙女座)。以下はこの間のスイスのダボスでのワールドエコノミックフォーラムでの若い世代のリーダーたちに向けたマー氏のメッセージです。


When Alibaba founder and CEO Jack Ma was a young adult, he applied to over 30 jobs and got rejected by all of them. Today, the 53-year-old’s e-commerce company is valued at $519 billion, although Ma didn’t start achieving career success until his 30s.

アリババの創業者ジャック・マーが若かった時30社以上に応募しましたが全て断られました。マーは30歳までキャリアでの成功はありませんでしたが、今日この53歳のeコマースの会社は55兆円 の価値があります。

“In life, it’s not how much we achieved, it’s how much we’ve gone through the tough days and mistakes,” Ma recently said to a group of young leaders invited to the World Economic Forum annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland. “If you want to be successful, learn from the other people’s mistakes, don’t learn from the successful stories.”


As an alum of the Young Global Leaders network, Ma shed light on what the room of young adults should focus on within the next 30 years.


“When you are 20 to 30 years old, you should follow a good boss [and] join a good company to learn how to do things properly,” Ma said.


“When you are 30 to 40 years old, if you want to do something yourself, just do it. You still can afford to lose, to fail,” he added.


Soon thereafter, though, Ma recommended that people start prioritizing stability, family and the future generations.


Instead of diving into a new field or subject toward the later years in your career, he said, “when you’re 40 to 50 years old, my suggestion is you should do things you are good at.”


“When you are 50 to 60 years old, spend time training and developing young people, the next generation,” Ma added. “When you are over 60 years old, you better stay with your grandchildren.”





Screen Shot 2019-09-06 at 5.36.56今年の8月は通常クラスに加えて、5時間集中講座を週末にふたコマづづやり本当に忙しかったですが、また充実してもいました。みんな長時間で大丈夫かと思いきや、5時間はあっという間。まだまたやりたいというみなさんのご希望に答えて、以下の講座をご用意しました。

August 2019 was quite busy as we had 5 hour intensive courses on weekends in addition to the regular classes. Due to the growing demands of these classes, we are having the following extra classes this fall. Please contact the email address below for further info.
✳️英検特別講座(準1級〜5級)9月毎週土曜日 / *準1級満席
✳️TEAP対策講座 10月毎週土曜日
✳️スピーキングワークショップ(全5回:様々な自己紹介、スピーチ、ディベート、プレゼン、ワークショップ、論評など) 11月毎週土曜日開催予定
*詳しくはエスタミネー英語教室 estaminet@estazen.com / 095-883-2251 まで



Hiro, a student I taught TOEFL about five years ago before he entered a college in California and also I visited 4 years ago at his college, stopped by to say hi. He majored in Global Studies at UCSB and graduated this year.


Hiro was a high school tennis champion in Nagasaki, and right after he went to California, he became the California college tennis champion, which is just amazing! Furthermore, he became the US College tennis champion!! When he started studying TOEFL, he had some difficulty scoring high as many other students do because there is so much to learn in all four skills of English and what they learn at school do not match what the exam required the students to perform. One thing Hiro impressed me was that he always came willing to learn and asked me every time to give him more homework. All those who aim high really do try hard and push their limits every time. He was no exception as probably he had achieved in his tennis practices to become a champion. In surprisingly very short time of three -four months, he got the target score he had hoped for to be accepted to the college in California,


Now he’s back in Japan starting to work in Tokyo in September.

His message to the young students is: Go for it!! Don’t think too much. Don’t worry too much. Just jump into it! Once you jump into it, you’ll be fine. You’ll figure it out.

東京での就職も決まり、9月からは社会人となります。彼の英語を勉強する高校生へのメッセージは、Go for it! つまり、「やれよ!(前に進めよ!行動せよ!)あまり考えすぎない。心配するな。飛び込め!いったん飛び込んだら、もう大丈夫。なんとか自分でやれるよ。」



I wish you success in all your future endeavors, Hiro!




Former Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fishery Masahiko Yamada came to our school and talked about lots of current issues regarding food safety including main crop seeds act, Monsanto legal cases, organic food production trends in the world and Japan going the opposite direction meekly following American interests, etc. It was so educational!! Thank you very much Minister!


Also one of my old students from 20 years ago happened to find out about the event from her friend in Kochi and we had an unexpected happy reunion.




It was so hot, but our fun level was so hot and high as well! We had another fun day at Estaminet Summer Camp 2019. Every year I really feel that childrens’ shiny eyes are the best. When they are having fun and having a good time, they eyes really shine. I also love their curious eyes when they are focused and try to figure out something.

We did bread and jam making, making soap, did some scientific experiments, water balloon activities, mask making, and so on. Lots of science and art!

I really appreciate all the students’ hard work and the staff’s hard work to prepare for this day.




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