Miwako's EYE
Miwako's EYE
(rough videoscript)
The Mountain
I filmed this in Spain on the island of Tenerife on the mountain of El Teide, which is the highest mountain in Spain. I chose that location because it is one of the absolute best places in the world to look at the stars. I wanted to shoot the video of milky way, a new kind of video and show the color and light and the beauty of the sky, The goal of the project was to go to Tenerif and capture some of the beauty of one of the most beautiful islands I know of and also one of the best places to look at the stars.
I was carrying a lot of equipment up in the mountain and there was a lot of beautiful scenes, a lot of beautiful lights. I was very lucky with the clouds around the island when I was moving. And I also had some very very nice night break seeing the sky clearly. The most unexpected event for me was the sand storm from Sahara blew up. It’s completely covered everything. I couldn’t even see the sky. I was in the middle of the fireworks sequence with milky way and I was very surprised when I looked at the camera that actually managed to capture the milky way and the sandstorm which was xxx with Canary Island. I would say it was the most spectacular night I’d imagined. Both the milky way itself up there, but also the nature, the clouds forming during the sunrise and sunset, it was the very spectacular view. I hope people are inspired to go outside and look at the stars, go into the nature and enjoy. . I mean… have a personal relations with nature.
私はTenerife島のスペインで最も高い山El Teideでこのフィルムを撮影しました。この場所を選んだのは世界で最も星がきれいに見えるところのひとつだからです。天の川のビデオ、新しい形のもので空の色と光と美しさを見せたかったのです。このプロジェクトの目的はTenerifeに行って私が知る最も美しい島のひとつ、そして星を見るのに最高の場所のひとつ、の美をカメラに収めることでした。
これはノルウエー人のphotographer Terji terji Sorgjerdがアフリカ大陸の北西の大西洋にあるスペイン領カナリー諸島のTenerife島で撮影したものです。このEl Teideという山は活火山で標高が3,718mとスペインで最も高い山です(ちなみに富士山は3776m。九州で一番高い山も九州本島ではなく屋久島の標高1936mの宮之浦岳)。El Teideという名前は、カナリー諸島の金髪碧眼長身の先住民Guanchesの言葉でEcheideー地獄ーというのが由来らしく、古代から噴火を繰り返してきたからかもしれない。
Miwako's EYE
Miwako's EYE
ある話しから、Lucが高校のときに学校の授業で見たというこの映画Hiroshima Mon Amourの話しになりました。題名を聞いたことはあったけど、見たことがない映画でした。
Hiroshima mon amour is an acclaimed 1959 drama film directed by French film director Alain Resnais, with a screenplay by Marguerite Duras. It is the documentation of an intensely personal conversation between a French-Japanese couple about memory and forgetfulness.
Hiroshima mon amourはMarguerite Duras脚本のフランスの映画監督Alain Resnaisによる1959年度作の秀作である。(被爆地広島を舞台に)フランス人と日本人のカップルの記憶とそして忘却についての大変個人的な会話のドキュメントである。
Miwako's EYE
Miwako's EYE
きのうの続きと言ってはなんですが、このイギリスの2人最高です!The two Ronnies. They’re so great! Did you get it?
Miwako's EYE
Miwako's EYE
This video clip was recommended by Shannon. After work today, Shannon, Nami, and I had a good laugh watching this.
<Hong Kong版>
Listening opens your eyes.
Listening opens your heart.
Listening makes it possible.
Listening. It changes everything.
Listen to me
Even if it’s difficult
Even if I don’t speak up
Even if you disagree
Even if you already know the story
Whether it’s sad or late
Because only by listening
Can you really gain deeper understanding