Miwako's EYE



Happy 2020! 遅ればせながら新年あけましておめでとうございます。

Daphne Selfe is a British 92-year-old model active since 1949. Look at her amazing smile. Don’t you want to have her totally relaxed smile full of love when you are 92?


Whatever life we are going to carry on, it all depends on small things we do every day. We will not going to have a splendid life suddenly one day, but small decisions and actions we make and take will create who we are and who we are going to be.

As I was contemplating this, I happened to find the article below. ちょうど読んでいた雑誌にまさにタイムリーな記事が載っていました。これを私の新年のメッセージとしてみなさんに贈りたいと思います。

New Habits, New Life

Looking to make some changes? Start small. Start now. Repeat.


Language learning is a long process. There are so many challenges and many people give up along the way. Some struggle with the grammar, and some with pronunciation or vocabulary, or essay writing, or expressing a long flow of thoughts.言語習得は長く時間がかかるものです。多くの人が途中で挫折します。文法が厄介だったり、発音が難しかったり、語彙がうまくマスターできなかったり、エッセイやスピーキングが大変だったりします。

To describe the process of language acquisition, people often mention the proverb “Rome wasn’t built in a day,” as a significant amount of time and commitment is needed to create something great. So it will be easier if you make a habit of doing something small like learning 30 words a day, or even 10 words a day. If you do this every day continuously, you will accumulate 100 words in 10 days and 3650 words in 1 year!



Make the best of life – you only get one chance – it is not a rehearsal!










Miwako's EYE



さてさて生徒さんたちの指導もですが、自分自身も常に上を目指さなければなりません。今週の神戸でのスピーチのクラブ。偶然にも即興スピーチトレーニングではディベートのお勉強がありました。「政府は高齢者に20%負担を要求すべきか?」というのが私の当たった問題。その他天皇制を廃止すべきかとか、高校生は世界史よりも日本史をもっと学ぶべきではなきかなど様々な話題が出て大変面白かったですが、そういう問題に対してaffirmativeであるのか、それともnegative であるのか、それともalternative suggestionsを呈するのか、自分の立場を明確にししっかりとしたサポートを瞬時に2分でまとめるには大変です。社会の問題に関心を持ち、それに対してどう思うかということを、言葉を明確にして考えるトレーニングが日々必要だと実感します。

Well, I’m training my students to give good speeches, but also I have to work on my own speech training. Coincidentally this week’s table topics were focused on the debate. There were so many interesting current issues given. It is a good speech training as we have to take our sides either affirmative, negative, or be on either side and give an alternative suggestion. This training makes us pay more attention to what is happening in the world and makes us verbalize concretely what we think about that.


Another valuable training is the evaluation of other’s speeches. This time I had to evaluate a speaker who is highly praised in Europe and the US as well as in Japan. Naturally it was quite challenging for me to evaluate his speech. I was quite excited that I got the award!


Speech training is a valuable experience for everyone because it gives us opportunities to reflect ourselves, lets us pay more attention to the world, and consequently creates individuals who care more about the well-beings of the human beings and their surroundings.

Miwako's EYE






Good job, girls!


Miwako's EYE



This is such a fun, yet challenging, class! The 6-session Speaking Workshop for Teenagers aims to help students practice a variety of English speaking situations so they’ll be able to confidently use English on a global stage.


Yesterday’s lesson was debate, which was a bit challenging as we Japanese are not really used to giving opinions and counter-arguments. Nonetheless, the students really tried hard and got a bit of taste of debating. We will further practice debating next week.


Miwako's EYE



We had the annual roast chicken party last night. We’ve been doing this with the staff members for many years. However, this year we have decided to invite some adult students at the last minute, and we had a very wonderful time.


IMG_1059 IMG_1071


Since Luc was here this year, naturally he was in charge of roasting chicken and vegetables. They were amazingly delicious! Also many students brought great food as well!


IMG_1057Richard prepared for the pigs in a blanket in homage to his pub days and they were delicious too!




For the dessert, Luc made crepes flambé with banana and persimmon. They were delicious!


IMG_1091Happy thanksgiving everyone!



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