We celebrated Stephe’s birthday yesterday. He is such a special person who can not only read the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs but also ancient Greek, Latin, ancient Japanese (needless to say modern Japanese) along with French. Also, he is a great musician who composes lots of wonderful musical pieces.
I love the fact that he makes stories with children and draws the storylines together with them. How wonderful to let the children’s imagination flow freely!
Happy birthday Stephen! Thank you very much for the wonderful classes!
I feel so blessed to be able to see my old students. Noriko is one of those students who contacted me last week. She was a student at Estaminet when she was a high school student 16 years ago! I just can’t believe how fast time flies. However, surprisingly her appearance hasn’t changed at all.
After she graduated from high school, she studied cross-cultural studies at a national university. Then she went to New Zealand to continue her English education. Now she is teaching English to elementary students in Fukuoka. She says she loves children and she loves teaching English.
I was so happy to see my student grown-up and have a job which she loves and is proud of.
Takako was a student 10 years ago when she was a high school student. She came to the English lesson after basketball club practice. I remember she was a hard worker and had a great smile. She went on to study Nursing at a college. She told me she was working at the cardiology department of a hospital and the work was quite demanding. Consequently, she decided to go to Australia on a working holiday.
It is a great feeling that my old students come back to Estaminet to see me. I feel privileged to be able to share their lives.
Thank you so much Takako for stopping by!
The website says, “JWLI-II offers an executive leadership development program that transforms Japanese women to be action-oriented leaders with confidence to lead, skills and knowledge to manage, and a plan to make social change in Japan.
彼女が応募したJWLIプログラム(Japanese Women’s Leadership Initiative)は、「日本各地より選ばれた、活躍が期待される女性リーダーたちを、さらに行動力のあるリーダーへ育成します。ボストンで行われる4週間のプログラムを中心とした2年間にわたる研修を通して、応募者の中から選ばれた「フェロー」たちは、リーダーとなる自信とマネージメントのスキルや知識を身につけ、社会変革をもたらす具体的なプランを構築し実現に向け推進します。東京での事前研修後、ボストンでは非営利団体(NPO)、社会起業家やインキュベーターなど数団体を視察訪問し、組織運営のノウハウやファンドレイジングの手法、リーダーシップなどを学びます。また、アントレプレナーシップの分野で全米1位を誇るバブソン大学にて、1週間にわたる女性社会人向けのリーダーシップ研修にも参加します。さらに、同大学教授による指導のもと、自身が実現したいと考える社会変革に対するアクションプランを立案し発表します。帰国後はメンターの伴走のもと、その実行に向けて推進していただきます。」
JWLI-II provides:
- Personal growth opportunities to be an action-oriented leader
- Skills and knowledge from hands-on training with successful nonprofit organizations
- Learning from the Babson Women’s Leadership Program: From Opportunity to Action
- Coaching and mentorship to develop and implement a 2-year Action Plan, an achievable roadmap to turn a dream vision of social change into reality in Japan
- 実行力のあるリーダーとしての自覚と自信を身につける
- ボストンで成功している非営利団体や社会的企業からその運営や最新事例、またその社会における役割を学ぶ
- バブソン大学で「女性のための戦略的なリーダーシップ」コースを受講し、実際に役に立つリーダーシップを学ぶ
- 日本社会に変革をもたらす自分の夢 (ビジョン) をアクションプランとして立案する
- 帰国後、2年間のメンターシップの支援 の元にアクションプランを実行し、社会変革を実現させる
Miwako's EYE
These girls started the gakudo-class (after school class) since they were the first graders. In the beginning, they had five-hour classes every week. As they got older, they couldn’t commit for five hours a week and the class hours got less. Nonetheless, they continued their English study and finally, they completed the program last week.
They’ve done so many projects: research and presentations, 220 books read, writing exercises, cooking in English (it helps when you have a big kitchen at school), visiting Nami’s farm, and so on.
Just the fact that you keep on doing one thing for a long time makes you powerful in that field and these girls really have proved that. Well, their world of learning English from now on will be more exciting than ever. All the staff members at Estaminet English School are here to support your journey in English learning.