Miwako's EYE




そして自分のことを考えるとどれだけキャッシュを使っているかと考えたら、やはり意外と少ない。道の駅の野菜とかコンビニぐらいであとはクレジットカード。半年以上前にCNNでキャッシュレス社会の特集をしていて、そのときはスウェーデンがトップをいっているという話で、ある男性が番組の中で「もう3年以上現金を見ていない。」というのにびっくり。以下ちょっと古いですが半年前の the Guardianの記事より。


“I don’t use cash any more, for anything,” said Louse Henriksson, 26, a teaching assistant. “You just don’t need it. Shops don’t want it; lots of banks don’t even have it. Even for a candy bar or a paper, you use a card or phone.”

「私はもうキャッシュは使ってませんね。」26歳のティーチング助手Louse Henriksson。「必要ないんですよ、お店でも歓迎されませんしね。銀行も現金を持ってないんです。キャンディや新聞にもカードか携帯なんです。」

Swedish buses have not taken cash for years. It is impossible to buy a ticket on the Stockholm metro with cash, retailers are legally entitled to refuse coins and notes, and street vendors – and even churches – increasingly prefer card or phone payments.


According to central bank the Riksbank, cash transactions made up barely 2% of the value of all payments made in Sweden last year – a figure some see dropping to 0.5% by 2020. In shops, cash is now used for barely 20% of transactions, half the number five years ago, and way below the global average of 75%.


And astonishingly, about 900 of Sweden’s 1,600 bank branches no longer keep cash on hand or take cash deposits – and many, especially in rural areas, no longer have ATMs. Circulation of Swedish krona has fallen from around 106bn in 2009 to 80bn last year.

さらに驚くのは、スエーデンの1600ある銀行のうち900行には現金がなく、また現金の貯金も受け付けていないということ。その多くが、特に地方では、ATMがないのです。2009年に1060億出回っていたクローネが昨年は800億 に落ち込みました。


日曜日に英検準1級を受けた生徒さんが英文エッセイのトピックが「キャッシュレス社会をどう思うか」ということだったと聞き、 インターネットでのビジネスがますます活況を見る昨今、このelectronic transaction がますます日常になる時代が到来したと実感しています。銀行も店舗がなくなる日が近いかもしれません。




Miwako's EYE



ご本人の希望はIELTSで良い結果を出し7月に行く予定にしているNew Zealandの子供達のプログラムに指導者として参加することでした。



Miwako's EYE, PICK UP


アメリカの理論物理学者Brian Greene. この人の超弦理論をかつて物理好きの高校生とのクラスの教材としてやったことがありますが、彼のパワー本当に好きです。超弦宇宙論など物理のことには不案内な私でもこんなにパッションを持って話す人を見るとつい話に引き込まれていきます。

偶然きのう見たCNNのFareed Zakaria(この人の番組は好き!)に彼が登場し、「ブラックホールの研究のことから、だから科学っておもしろいんだ」と彼が熱弁を振るいました。夢中になるものがあるって素晴らしい。それが自分の持っている世界と違っていても、感動をもらえる。


・・・so when we observe galaxies we find that they’re spinning around at such a rate that stars on the edge should be flung outwards. Sort of like water droplets on a bicycle wheel that’s spinning fast, the water that’s getting flung out, but the stars aren’t getting flung out. Something must be holding them in. We don’t see anything that can do that, but we know gravity has the power to hold things together. So we imagine that maybe there’s some matter out there that we don’t see; dark matter. That’s why we don’t see it.It doesn’t give off light. That matter is exerting a gravitational pull holding those stars together in these spinning galaxies and when we make that hypothesis, it explains observations so spectacularly well that we begin to gain confidence that maybe the stuff that we haven’t yet seen, I mean, we haven’t yet touched or smelled yet, maybe it’s real. So we build big detectors and we try to capture one of the dark matter particles. We haven’t succeeded yet, but I think that we will. So this is a beautiful example of how observations drive rational thinking to explain the facts and ultimately verify it through observation and experiment that can be replicated.

This what science is and that is what can get your heart pounding when you realise that the human intellect can figure out things about the universe that you wouldn’t expect based on casual observation.




Miwako's EYE, Students



Maya, my student when she was a high school student, is back in Nagasaki now. I went to see her in Costa Rica two years ago when she was studying at University for Peace mandated by UN. I was quite impressed with all the students I met there. Maya is still very energetic and thinking about lots of world issues. We spoke mostly in English and yes, she was amazing!


Her next stage of life is going back to her old university in Costa Rica as a faculty member to help create programs for Asian related issues. She will go to the Philippines, Cambodia, and Indonesia and comes back to Japan once before going there.


She has always been thinking about what she can contribute to the society. It is a fantastic job for her  to utilise all what she has to improve the current social situations and construct the paths for the next stages.


She gave me a book she made with her friends. The book is about a boy who was separated from his family due to the war. Wherever he goes, he was not welcomed. It is heartbreaking to think about the future of this boy. There used to be a refugee camp in Nagasaki. Refugee issues seem something happening far away from us, but there must be something we can do to help those people.





One of my students, a medical professional, left for Canada for a research a year ago March. It seems like only yesterday that we were communicating back and forth with the university. Well, as I always say that the time passes so quickly.


She has done so much at the university in a very different environment.


She was quite busy writing and revising her paper in the final months. She is very willing to write more research papers in English in the near future.


She told me many things happened there. One of the things she said was that the doctors and other medical professionals at the hospital are equal, which I have heard many times. Everyone who has worked in a US hospital says the same thing. I suppose in Japan the doctors are on top of the pyramid.


She also says that she got bolder, or rather she is not as shy or hesitant as before. I completely understand this as I had gone through this as well. You must be proactive over there every day without being intimidated. It is no use for you to think like “Will he feel bad if I say this…?” or”I am so embarrassed saying such things.”


Her professional life aside, she has enjoyed her daily life there going to the cafes and restaurants with her friends and traveled here and there. She must have a new network of professional friends.


This experience will for sure make her more motivated and successful personally and professionally.








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