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Finland’s education system is considered one of the best in the world. In international ratings, it’s always in the top ten.


Finnish officials want to remove school subjects from the curriculum. There will no longer be any classes in physics, math, literature, history, or geography.


“There are schools that are teaching in the old-fashioned way which was of benefit in the beginning of the 1900s — but the needs are not the same, and we need something fit for the 21st century.“


Instead of individual subjects, students will study events and phenomena in an interdisciplinary format. For example, the Second World War will be examined from the perspective of history, geography, and math. And by taking the course ”Working in a Cafe,” students will absorb a whole body of knowledge about the English language, economics, and communication skills.

それぞれの教科の代わりに、生徒たちは出来事や現象を分野を超えて学ぶ。例えば、第二次世界大戦は、歴史、地理、数学の観点から吟味するということだ。さらに、”Working in a Cafe” というコースをとれば、生徒たちは英語という言語、経済学、そしてコミュニケーションスキルに関しての全体的な知識を学ぶという。

This system will be introduced for senior students, beginning at the age of 16. The general idea is that the students ought to choose for themselves which topic or phenomenon they want to study, bearing in mind their ambitions for the future and their capabilities.


The Finnish education system encourages collective work, which is why the changes will also affect teachers. The school reform will require a great deal of cooperation between teachers of different subjects. Around 70% of teachers in Helsinki have already undertaken preparatory work in line with the new system for presenting information, and, as a result, they’ll get a pay increase.






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We had a blast again at the Halloween party this year!

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It was so much fun! The pumpkin mont blanc that kids made was s~~~o good and they laughed a lot! I guess it was not as scary this year than the past years, right?


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先日私の好きなCNNのMaggie Lake氏の番組の中の “Passion Portfolio”で紹介されていたIBM Watson。

Wikiによる定義は「『人工知能』と紹介されることもあるが、IBMはワトソンを、自然言語を理解・学習し人間の意思決定を支援する『コグニティブ・コンピューティング・システム(Cognitive Computing System)』と定義しています。

インタビューを受けていたIBMのCEO, Ginni Rometty によるとIBM Watsonとは、

“Challenging how to make sense of overload of data (あふれるデータを理解できるようにする)”

“Not AI, but augmenting intelligence (AI-人工頭脳ーではないが、知能を高める)”

“Help you make better decision (より良い意思決定ができる)”

“Cognitive computing meet creativity (認知的コンピューティングと創造性の遭遇)”






私は超アナログ人間ですが、テクノロジーとは素晴らしいですね。いろんな情報があふれている昨今IBM Watsonのような「学び・考えるコンピューター」「意思決定支援システム」が情報を巧みに人間の心理やニーズに合わせ、ますます私たちの生活の役に立ってほしいです。10年後はどのように進化しているのか楽しみですね。

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After studying at University of Santa Catalina in Florianapolis in Brazil, Anna made it home to Japan. I went there myself last year and it sure was a fantastic place to go.


Here is the interview I did with her:


“Even though I couldn’t speak perfect Portuguese, everyone was trying to help me.”


“Smiles always help.”


“I realized the good side of the Japanese spirit: Omotenashi (hospitality). However, we need a bit more freedom in the Japanese culture and customs.”


“Students at the university really speak up. The professors speak for the first few minutes only, and the the rest is for the students to take charge. It was really fun! In the Japanese university classes, many times professors speak to students, but no response. It is a one way street. In Brazil students really make classes themselves.”


“I went to see judo, track and field, volleyball, and gymnastics in the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro. One of my old friends won a bronze medal in judo. It was so exciting. Since the tickets were very expensive, many Brazilians couldn’t afford to buy them and were not so interested in the event. Inside the Olympic Park, there were mostly foreigners and it was quite safe. I felt like it was not like Brazil. I bought the most expensive tickets. However, there were no one to check them. I found out later I could have bought the cheap ones and have sat at the expensive seats. Hope this doesn’t happen in the Tokyo Olympics.”


“Watching the games was very exciting! I thought it was really fun to have the samba lessons before each game. There were people livening up the games. They were instructing the audience like, ‘You dance like this with this music’ etc. It was so much fun!”


I had the opportunities to visit many places in Brazil.  At the Iguazu Falls, crossing the bridge, you are in Paraguay and crossing another one with a bus, you are in Argentina. I could see the poverty in Paraguay and the big open nature in Argentina. This experience made me feel how big the earth is and at the same time the river is dividing the countries. When the country you are in changes, the whole scenery changes and you witness different realities.”


All in all, the life in Brazil for me was trying very hard for everything, but I never felt it was painful and suffering. At the beginning, I felt a bit lonely, but people always helped me even though my language skill was not up to par. I really feel I have grown as a person after this experience. I have a bigger perspective for life now.”


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Well, studying abroad or living abroad really gives us different perspectives of many things and makes us realise our potentials.





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本当に気負けせず堂々と思うことを言えることはグローバル社会においては必須条件です。英語のコミュニケーション力を磨くと同時に be assertive (自信を持った堂々とした態度)であることが大事ですね。





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