TOEIC 700点 高2で取りました!
Miwako's EYE, TOEIC



More and more high school students are taking the TOEIC test.

大学進学でも大変有利で、このTOEIC の点数で指定校推薦ももらえたりします。また、大学進学後にクラス分けなどにも使われるテストでますます注目度があがっています。

If you have a good score of the test, it is quite advantageous to get into certain universities. Some universities use this test as the placement test for the English class.


At Estaminet English School more and more high school students are taking the TOEIC test after they pass the Eiken level 2 test.


This girl marked 700 points in the January test. How fantastic! She’s only in the second year of high school. This was the second time for her to take the TOEIC test and she did so well! Her score was 100 points better than the last one which she took at the end of last year. She’s planning on taking the test again in April and May for even higher scores so that she has a better chance to get a school recommendation for a prestigious university in Tokyo.


I have a feeling she can probably get 800 in her next test!






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