Good bye Richard!
Miwako's EYE





We had a farewell dinner at a Japanese restaurant with a beautiful night’s view of Nagasaki with Richard who is going back to the UK. Coincidentally the manager of the restaurant happened to be an old student of Estaminet! What a lovely reunion it was! He gave us heartfelt service.

Richard’s commitment, dedication and passion for good work and respectful attitude to students and colleagues as well as anyone coming through the door of Estaminet were much appreciated by all of us and we will miss him sorely.

 これから先どこで働こうとも、彼のようなスタッフがいることでその会社は安泰です。Thank you Richard!

Best of luck to you, Richard, as you move on to the next chapter in your life. You will surely succeed in anything you put your mind to! I wish you good luck in your future endeavors.


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